Obfuscation and Protection

Secured Globe, Inc.

This article is about obfuscation and protection against hacking.

Copy protection can’t be complete without some sort of obfuscation. The Wikipedia definition of Obfuscation is:

Obfuscation is the willful obscuring of the intended meaning of communication, usually by making the message confusing, ambiguous, or difficult to understand. The obfuscation might be unintentional or intentional (although intent usually is connoted), and is accomplished with circumlocution (talking around the subject), the use of jargon (technical language of a profession), and the use of an argot (ingroup language) of little communicative value to outsiders”

When applying this to software copy protection, our goal is to prevent a hacker from using reverse engineering methods, or more simple, hacking a protected application (which can even be examining the strings and other resources within the application).

Preventing that is done in several layers:

Source code obfuscation – if various elements…

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By Michael Haephrati מיכאל האפרתי Posted in Uncategorized

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